SimplyHome’s remote direct support professional (rDSP) solution helps you give more people access to greater independence.

SimplyHome’s remote direct support professional (rDSP) solution helps you give more people access to greater independence.

Real Support.

Real Simple.

Real Support.

Real Simple.

Real Support.

Real Simple.

Real People.

Introducing SimplyHome's
Remote DSPs

Remote DSPs

Whether you are looking for ways to expand capacity or better support your existing care teams, our new remote DSP solution provides real-time connectivity to real people. It’s a simple way to confidently accomplish more while providing exceptional care.

Both providers and end-users rate remote support services as providing more privacy, security, and independence than traditional services.

Average Increase
in Independent
Living Capacity

Up to Five Times
Staffing Ratios

6 Weeks
Average Time
to Achieve ROI

6 Weeks
Average Time
to Achieve ROI

It's a simpler,
safer solution.

How we enable confidence
in everyday living

SimplyHome Tech

The SimplyHome System addresses concerns about cooking safety, falls, medication compliance, sleep patterns, wandering and elopement, aging in place, and more with a smart sensor system that alerts caregivers.

Integrates with existing provider
support services

Infrastructure for remote support and connection to SimplyHome’s remote DSPs

Real-time reports and insights for person-centered outcomes

24/7 response and technical support

Text, email, phone alerts to caregivers

Unique customization for each individual

Your DSPs

By combining our smart tech tools with your existing care teams, you can support greater independence for more people.

Integrates with your existing care teams

Includes client portal for real-time technology management and alert response

Primary and backup responders for real-time client care

Full adaptability and access so your staff can meet evolving needs

Our Remote DSPs (New)

If you’re ready to expand your team’s capacity, SimplyHome now offers remote DSP support so you can better enable independence for more people.

Trained, remote support professionals on call 24/7

Accessible 2-way audio-video interface for direct remote support access

Optional personalized, routine check-ins

Real-time data, alerts, and insights available in one portal

Works alongside your current support teams

The result is a
significantly larger reach and better outcomes for those in your care.

The result is a
significantly larger reach and better outcomes for those in your care.

Our industry-leading technology solutions seamlessly integrate with any organization to help provide professional remote DSP support and expand your team’s capacity.

Customer Testimonials


I like to go out in the sunshine. With my iPad, I can listen to music. It has been a great help to me because I can use it on the go. I’m not bound to my old computer in my room all the time.

Veteran and Enabling Tech Participant


I know how to read the alerts now, and I hardly ever need to log on just to see what he is doing. If he’s not up on time, I know I’ll get that alert, and I can call him.

Mother of Enabling
Tech Participant David


She is able to live completely independently because of the system. My mother is 94 … getting notifications when she is up and about, or when she doesn’t return to bed at night, gives me assurance and great comfort that she is safe.

Daughter of SimplyHome Enabling Tech Participant Toone


Carl has adapted immediately to living by himself. The first morning he was home he had gotten up, packed his lunch for work, and was fully dressed. Instantly that independence kicked right in, and Carl was a fish in water.

Core Services NETN Program Coordinator
on Enabling Tech Participant Carl

Core Services NETN Program Coordinator on Enabling Tech Participant Carl


It’s my first time having a house like this. But also it was my dream…this is helping me grow, helping me be more independent.

Enabling Tech Participant

Core Services NETN Program Coordinator on Enabling Tech Participant Carl

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